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Advanced Chant

This is an advanced course in Gregorian chant for singers, directors, and enthusiasts of the liturgy and its music. It will presume a rudimentary knowledge of reading Gregorian notation and will proceed from the reading and singing of chants in Latin from the antiphons of the Divine Office to the chanted Propers of the Mass. A review of notation and Latin pronunciation will be the foundation for textual and musical analysis of the chants: mode, tessitura, contour, density, text expression, and coordination with liturgical action. Beginning with the simpler chants, musical, liturgical, and spiritual aspects of each genre will be studied in turn: introits, communions, offertories, graduals, alleluias, and tracts. Some chants of the Ordinary of the Mass will be included as well.
This course is taught by Dr. William Mahrt through recorded lectures, and is facilitated by Prof. Emily Lapisardi.

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