Music Theory III
This ten-week course provides a more advanced exploration of musical form and analysis, as well as practical aural skills training specifically developed for church musicians. Prior training and/or experience is required; if not a current SMIA student, please contact the Institute to discuss enrollment.
Taught by Emily Lapisardi
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Music Theory III – Syllabus
WEEK 1 Aural Skills: Error detection, melodic and rhythmic examples
Analytical Skills: Harmonizing a melody
WEEK 2 Aural Skills: Error detection, two parts
Analytical Skills: More advanced harmonization techniques
WEEK 3 Aural Skills: Error detection, hymns
Analytical Skills: Choral textures and approaches
WEEK 4 Aural Skills: Error detection, counterpoint/polyphony
Analytical Skills: Musical form, part 1
WEEK 5 Aural Skills: Rhythmic dictation
Analytical Skills: Musical form, part 2 | Midterm
WEEK 6 Aural Skills: Melodic Dictation
Analytical Skills: Sonata form
WEEK 7 Aural Skills: Principles of tuning, sharp or flat?
Analytical Skills: Choral arranging/reduction
WEEK 8 Aural Skills: Playing by ear
Analytical Skills: Choral arranging/from hymn to easy anthem
WEEK 9 Use of Instruments within the liturgy: Principles and practices
Reducing a choral score for organ
WEEK 10 Putting it all together: Score study and rehearsal preparation
Final exam