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"Audit a Class &
Receive a Free Lesson or

Mentoring Session"

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Try one of our featured classes at an audit rate* & receive a free lesson or mentoring session!


Choose from either the “History of Sacred Music,” “Beyond the Notes,” or “Gregorian Chant for Beginners” class and receive your free lesson or mentoring session.


See how effective our online learning programs are by auditing a class. If you would like to continue in the program, complete the class for credit for free and be on your way to improving your sacred music skills.


You can register, request more information from the button below, or choose your class and sign up today!

*Only one class is allowed at this reduced rate. If you want to take a second class, it will be charged at the full SMIA credit price.

History of Sacred Music

This course provides a survey of the historical role of music in worship from its roots in the Old Testament to the present day, exploring landmark repertoire within the framework of turning points in ecclesiastical history.  While the class will focus primarily on Christian music in the western world, cross-cultural influences will also be explored.


Beyond the Notes

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This three-part class assists the sacred musicians to be successful in their work.  Each unit is self-contained, but together, they will provide you with tools and knowledge to address many common extra-musical challenges that arise within church music programs.

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Church Documents Pertaining to Sacred Music and Organic Development of Music in the Church

  • Liturgical Music Resources and Planning


Gregorian Chant for Beginners

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This course is designed for novices in singing and reading chant. It will introduce students to the historical and musical significance of Gregorian Chant, describe its function in the liturgy, explore modes and neumes, and discuss resources and strategies for implementing chant in parishes that are unaccustomed to its use.

See how these classes and lessons are integral to our certification tracks and how you can enhance your sacred music abilities and programs in your church today.

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